Marie-Pierre Stark-Flora , Founder of HERB + FLORA
Skincare Anarchy, by Etka et al
Sep 07, 2021
Episode Description
On this week’s podcast, Ekta talks to Marie-Pierre Stark-Flora (the founder of HERB + FLORA, a gender-neutral, clean and vegan skincare brand) about her experience in the luxury beauty world and her work with brands such as Khiel’s, L’Oréal, Estée Lauder and many other brands. Stark-Flora speaks about her athletic experience as well, she is a triathlete and talks about the importance of fitness and the role it plays in our overall health, including skincare. She mentions a Canadian doctor who says that exercise has an anti-aging effect on skin, and that he has been able to create a product that is close to replicating that same effect on the skin.